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New California Agriculture
New California Agriculture

Agriculture in California is a significant sector of its economy,

about $55 billion annually, with more than 400 commodity crops. California is one of the prime geographic leaders in food production in the world. Food and Farming are major impacts players in climate-change. Agricultural production, land-use change, and deforestation, processing, transportation, packing, and retail account for about 57 % of CO2 emissions, all other non-food emissions are 45 to 56%. Huge water use-reuse/waste, pesticides, fertilizers, etc. problems are in need of solid remedies.

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But the most dramatic issue of climate change is directly affecting agriculture-- extremes of weather, heat, more and intense storms, droughts and floods, erosion, soil loss. This is a serious threat to feeding humans and our pets and animals!   Part of the problem is mass industrial farming vs small, local farms....especially organic farms. Worldwide industrial ag uses 70% of the world's agricultural resources to yield just 30% of the global food supply, while small -scale farmers provide 70% of the food supply using only 30% of all ag resources.  This small-scale advantage and movement adopted " agroecology"  for the adaptability and resilience to climate change.

Further complicating the focus on ag solutions and climate change mitigation, is a long history in California of economic conflicts over water rights, vs growing populations--and community developments, and loss of precious farmland to developers, etc. Logic and good sense dictate that CBO's, Government, everyone should champion organic local farms, independent farms, climate-resilient practices.  New renewable energy and water purification technologies- -for conservation and reuse, new eco ag practices, adopting proven sustainability approaches, natural pest controls, clean, safe food are the targets for support. California Ag should quickly transition to fully renewable energy powered farms, Zero Waste farming, the latest environmentally sound, proven practices, even the vertical and Hydro and Air-panic systems where appropriate-- Food supply, farm jobs, nutritional health, food safety, and security are all top priorities for everyone that eats! Lastly, powerfully, Agriculture is one of the most significant solution elements of CLIMATE MITIGATION. It is the largest aspect of the "BIO-ECONOMY": plant-based everything... biofuels, carbon sequestration, industrial Hemp, and a major aspect of the Transition to the Green Economy (see Chapter pageX). What's more, is the biggest trend globally for Vegetarian/Vegan Diets. This chapter's Resources provides insights to many proven solutions to all these problems, and promising developments and positive actions communities can take, from many standpoints, and perspectives.

Green Fields
For Chapter 5, California Agriculture
For Chapter 5, California Agriculture

How do we combat poverty, environmental degradation, disease, and hunger? How do we feed a growing population with less and less arable land every year? These are questions that dig at the heart of our very survival as a species. One clear solution is to create more community around finding ways to grow healthy food for everyone. It is vitally important to create a sustainable agricultural movement by focusing on maximizing space, improving soil health, applying organics, and utilizing renewable resources while building dynamic ecosystems for all species to thrive. There are a plethora of ways to grow food regardless of climate or location. People can build careers and produce sustenance for themselves with new-age techniques such as vertical farming, hydroponics, aquaponics, aeroponics, controlled environment agriculture, regenerative agriculture, permaculture, bio-intensive farming, no-till farming, etc. Many of these techniques have the potential to use less water, maximize space, improve soil, and create less food waste than conventional agriculture techniques. Furthermore, food grown locally can be more nutritious, reduce or eliminate refrigerated trucking, and offer resilience to our supply chains. To learn more, below are relevant resources of agricultural organizations that operate in California:

Resource Guide &

Case Studies

This Resource Guide outlines non-profit funding resources, templates, funding opportunities, case studies, free or cheap resources for fundraising, and more. 

Image by Mathieu Olivares



Chapter 5

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